tiConf India Last weekend I was in India to present at the 3rd Titanium Conference of this year, in Bangalore. I arrived on Friday evening and flew back Sunday night. On Saturday I met about 100 representatives of startups and enterprises, students and freelancers of India’s second biggest cities as well as one of three that focus […]
Titanium Community Toolkit Showcase After having given a tutorial at DMC on Thursday, yesterday I switched hotels for the European tiConf this weekend. The first day has almost come to end and I just delivered my talk. Showcase The goal of my talk was to showcase as many tools out there built by and for the Titanium community. Everything […]
New Titanium Tutorial This week I gave a new one-day tutorial at the Dutch Mobile Conference in Amsterdam. My lovely assistent Jason Kneen and I introduced 10 people to the Appcelerator Titanium platform and the Alloy framework. In about 6 hours we helped hem set-up Titanium and step by step build a simple feed reader for tiDev. Why […]
MGL Sport Instructie Na een aantal NDA opdrachten en veel werk in de Titanium community is het leuk om weer eens een eigen app te kunnen laten zien. Kampioenen De app MGL Sport Instructie bevat honderden filmpjes waarin sporters van hoog niveau allerlei sporttechnieken voordoen. Onder andere spelers van (jong) oranje en verschillende Nederlandse Kampioenen werkten hieraan mee. […]
Last minute tiConf US Last Wednesday I made the last minute decision to go to New York City for tiConf US this weekend. The Titans (developer advocates) are like colleagues to me. I’ve met most of the European ones in Valencia last year, but with no Codestrong in 2013 and 2014 I decided it would be well worth flying […]
Major update for TiNy Last week I quietly pushed out a major update for TiNy. I presented TiNy in November at TiAppCamp in Atlanta as an alternative CLI for ti build that allows you to use less, shorter and smarter options. For example: 1 ti build -platform ios -target dist-appstore --pp-uuid 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 --distribution-name "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)" can be reduced to: 1 tn 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)" or with a custom recipe even: 1 tn deploy TiNy is now […]
Generate missing asset densities I’ve just pushed an new assets command for the TiCons CLI. Use it with care since it will generates lots of images and also overwrite existing assets if the input is newer! The command uses the same smart defaults as for the icons and splashes commands. If you have retina images in iphone/images and use […]
Slides for APIstrat 2014 I just delivered my talk about Full-stack JavaScript app development at the API Strategy & Practice Conference in Amsterdam. Using JS all the way from cross-platform native apps to the middleware and API’ for those apps has some major benefits. If you missed my talk or want to have another look at my slides you […]
tiConf Bangalore, India 2014 In 2013 Titanium author and Titan Boydlee Pollentine started organizing community conferences. I attended the first in Valencia, Spain and after that he organized two in Baltimore, USA and Sydney, Australia. This year will have 7 tiConf and I’m excited to be speaking not only in Amsterdam (EU) of course, but also in Bangalore, India!
TiCons CLI April last year, I launched TiCons – a simple online tool written in PHP to generate all your Titanium (and Alloy) icons and splash screens (launch images) from a single source. Each month, it is used to generate icons for 600 apps! Module & CLI Last month, I developed a NodeJS CommonJS module and CLI […]