Compatibility module for unified and global Appcelerator CLIs Since 4.0, the Appcelerator Platform has a single appc CLI that bundles local versions of the former ti, alloy and acs CLI. You can still use the embedded CLIs by calling appc ti instead of ti. You can also still install the other three CLIs directly from NPM, in particular to work on projects that […]
Sestra Zomer Dagboek App Na de BGT in december rolt vandaag de tweede dagboek app uit de App Factory die ik voor Royal Jongbloed bouwde. Eentje waar ik een bijzondere link mee heb, want het gaat om een app van Sestra, het fonds waar mijn vrouw Hannah de uitgever van is. App Store voor iPhone en iPod Touch Google […]
On tour for 4.0 Meetup Launch Events Last month Appcelerator announced Appcelerator Platform 4.0. Many thousands have signed up for an invite, several thousands are already using it and we’re about to go GA. Launch Events As part of the launch, meetup groups all over the wold will be hosting 4.0 launch events. Me and Ricardo will be joining these over Hangouts […]
DrawerLayout support added to Alloy Drawer Widget I finally managed to find time to update my Alloy Drawer Widget with support for the beautiful native DrawerLayout for Android. You can now easily switch from NappDrawer to DrawerLayout on Android. . The NappDrawer module and DrawerLayout have almost identical API’s and of course the widgets provides cross compatibility methods and properties so you […]
New TiNy version with support for AppC CLI UPDATE 2015/06/24: Version 4.x uses appc-compat and no longer requires tn b ios or tn r ios but now simply accepts tn ios. I’ve just published a new version for TiNy, the tool that saves you many keystrokes every day if you are using the Titanium CLI. If you have been using TiNy, please read […]
Safe money by sharing a single Wi-Fi access code I’m at a holiday park in Germany this week for a last minute ski trip with my family. A company of 7 adults, 3 MacBooks, 6 iPhones, an iPad and Samsung phone in total. One week internet access: € 110 Like in many other parks and hotels, we were required to purchase Wi-Fi access codes […]
Digital World 2015 in Bangladesh Last week I had the privilige to visit Bangladesh for Digital World 2015 in Dhaka. Digital World is a government-led week of IT conferences with more then 100 speakers, a huge exposition and tens of thousand visitors. IT in Bangladesh is growing with 20 to 30% each year and plays a majore role in the […]
Timewax Planning Board One of the last projects I worked on before I joined Appcelerator is the iPad app for Timewax. Timewax is software for scheduling projects, resources and analysing performance. The new iPad app allows users to schedule any time anywhere, analyse utilization, project performance and manage their master data. It’s a subset of the many features […]
I’m joining Appcelerator as Developer Evangelist On April 1st (really) 2010 I registered to explore Appcelerator‘s Titanium framework for developing cross-platform native apps. Having worked with websites for 14 years, it was time to learn a new trade. Two years later I gave up my day job to focus fully on apps. In A new chapter I then wrote: Next to […]
tiConf DHAKA, Bangaldesh Feb 10th, 2015 | Dhaka, Bangladesh Next month I’ll be speaking at tiConf in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The event will be held during and as part of the Digital World 2015 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center, a huge 15,000+ conference. tiConf is also expected to be the biggest ever with more than 1000 registrations so far. […]