Rate my app We all know these popups asking us to Please rate my app. Getting lots of ratings is important for high rankings in both Apple and Android app stores. But popping the question at the wrong time could get you low rating and bad reviews.
TiShadow clean-up for Alloy TiShadow is a great tool for speeding up app development. It allows you to push code to test devices within seconds. But running TiShadow for some time, it will crash. This is because the TiShadow app leaves existing windows open when you push a new bundle of the app. So after some time, you’ll run out […]
Dear designer.. 2014/10/02: Updated for iPhone 6 and @3x. I am not a designer. I have a strong opinion on user interfaces and their usability in particular, but Photoshop to me is probably what code is to you. So, let’s work together: you design, I slice and code.
Mobile Down South Op 7 juni zal ik er tijdens de Dutch Mobile Conference in Amsterdam even tussenuit glippen om verder naar het zuiden af te reizen. Ik ben uitgenodigd om in Eindhoven op Mobile Down South te spreken over het Titanium platform.
Titanium Studio shortcuts Improve your efficiency by using these shortcut keys in Titanium Studio. You can view and alter all of them via Preferences > General > Keys or by hitting ⇧⌘L twice. This list is also available as PDF for you to print.
Dutch Mobile Conference I will speak at the Dutch Mobile Conference, held from June 6 – 8th in Amsterdam RAI. The conference is organized paralel to the Dutch PHP Conference. Because of this, it is focussed on using web techniques for creating mobile applications. Since Titanium is based on JavaScript, it’s a great tool for people who come […]
Bundle sync adapter with Alloy widgets I personally don’t like code with a lot of dependencies. Well, at least not if some kind of package manager installs them for me. And since that’s not the case for Alloy widgets at the moment, here is how you bundle any custom sync adapter:
How to use Ti.Facebook in TiShadow You can use any native module in TiShadow by building them into the TiShadow App before running an app over TiShadow. However, to be able to use Ti.Facebook or the separate Facebook module in 3.1 or later, you also need to set a valid Facebook App ID. This Facebook App needs it Bundle ID to […]
Appcelerator Titanium: Patterns and Best Practices I just finished reading Boydlee and Trevor‘s new (e)book: Appcelerator Titanium: Patterns and Best Practices. Want to learn the best practices from Boydlee in person? He will be speaking at the Amsterdam Titanium meetup on April 15th. This is my take from it: Always place the opening curly bracket on the same line. Use Array.forEach […]
Titan voor Titanium Onlangs ben ik door Appcelerator uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan het zogeheten Titan-programma. Hiermee ben ik nu officieel Titan. Het Titan-programma is bedoeld voor app ontwikkelaars die actief bijdragen aan de levendige gebruikersgemeenschap en die het gebruik van de Titanium software promoten. Wereldwijd zijn ruim 250 Titans als ambassadeur actief voor Appcelerator. Ik ben […]