A case for Ti.UI.create()

Lately, I’ve had an intens discussion on Twitter with @mattapperson / @appersonlabs, @tonylukasavage, @ricardoalcocer, @bencoding and @aaronksaunders on the possibilities and reasons for using Carbon in Titanium’s new MVC framework Alloy. This discussion then somewhat continued in the Alloy Google Group. To better understand the why (speed) and how (especially integration with Alloy) I’ve put together a Titanium project, which can […]

“Dynamic Scrolling” Titanium Alloy widget

Where would a Pull to refresh widget be without it’s companion: Dynamic Scrolling. Where the former widget allows the user to load newer content, the dynamic scrolling mechanism  allows you to scroll the table down and automatically load older content. All this can be accomplished by just 4 lines of code:

Check the code […]