Simple guide to Google’s SEO tools Are you lost in the woods of Googles many products you can use to optimize your website for both Google itself and your visitors? These are the questions they answer for you: Google Analytics How are people using my site? Google Webmaster Tools How do people find me in Google and why? Google Keyword Tool […]
Ganttoday for Gantter I love Things and I start loving Wunderlist even more, despite it being unstable since version 2. But when it comes to a more complex set of tasks, I need task dependencies and subtasks to stay organized and now what .. to do .. right .. now! Gantt & Gantter For this reason I started using Gantter, a beautiful – […]
Serious Disgusting Zo, de feestmaand ligt weer achter ons. En daarmee ook onze nieuwste hollandse traditie: Het Glazen Huis van Serious Request. Een actie waar ik het eerlijk gezegd he-le-maal mee gehad heb. Toen ik aan vrienden en familie probeerde uit te leggen waaróm, vond ik echter weinig weerklank. “Moet je kijken hoeveel geld er voor het […]
Preparing for TCAD Update Jan 1st: Tim Poulsen (@skypanther), Training Curriculum and Certification Lead at Appcelerator, responded to this blog and my email to him saying that indeed some questions I pointed out are a bit confusing and will be updated. Also, he confirmed that the exam has not yet been updated for Titanium 3.x. Something to be […]
Model-view data binding in Alloy The model-view data binding in Titanium’s Alloy is great, but I kept thinking somehow it’s not done right. This is why: It pollutes the view with the non-markup <Collection /> element. It decides for me when to trigger updating: Alloy.Collections.myCollection.on(‘fetch change add remove’, function(e) { .. }) If I somehow need manual updates to I need […]
Waarom lekken kersttoespraak NIET strafbaar zou moeten zijn Met verbazing hoor ik op Radio 1 dat het lekken van de kersttoespraak strafbaar zou zijn. Door een pagina te openen die nog niet openbaar was, heeft Roeleveld zich strafbaar gemaakt Arnoud Engelfriet, internetjurist Volgens de wet heeft hij een systeem gemanipuleerd Brenno de Winter, internetjournalist Ongelofelijk dat onze wetgevers blijkbaar zo weinig kaas hebben gegeten […]
Faces: Something all social networks are lacking I really like Twitter, Facebook and all but there one thing they all miss out on… There’s not just ONE me… nor you! As a family-relative, friend, Christian, developer, geek … I send updates on apps, webdesign, my family, church, fun stuff … sometimes in English, but mostly in Dutch. I doubt you’re interested in […]
“TweetsView” twitter widget for Titanium Alloy Add a Twitter timeline to you app using just a single line of code. I’m working on some Alloy widgets that enable me to quickly add basic views to mostly tabbed apps. First up is a Twitter timeline using Twitters 1.0 public search API. It’s styled pretty much like the iOS Twitter app and currently […]
A case for Ti.UI.create() Lately, I’ve had an intens discussion on Twitter with @mattapperson / @appersonlabs, @tonylukasavage, @ricardoalcocer, @bencoding and @aaronksaunders on the possibilities and reasons for using Carbon in Titanium’s new MVC framework Alloy. This discussion then somewhat continued in the Alloy Google Group. To better understand the why (speed) and how (especially integration with Alloy) I’ve put together a Titanium project, which can […]
“Dynamic Scrolling” Titanium Alloy widget Where would a Pull to refresh widget be without it’s companion: Dynamic Scrolling. Where the former widget allows the user to load newer content, the dynamic scrolling mechanism allows you to scroll the table down and automatically load older content. All this can be accomplished by just 4 lines of code: 1234 var scrollCtrl = Alloy.createWidget('nl.fokkezb.dynamicScrolling', null, { table: $.myTable, loader: myLoaderCallback}); Check the code […]