Smarter image paths Doing a multi-platform app using a single Titanium codebase? Way to go! Titanium is great for doing this because of its smart platform specific folders. When packaging your app, only files – whether it’s code or assets – in the root or platform specific folder are included and used. And when you’re using the Alloy framework, […]
Upgrading to XCode 5 GM Follow the next steps to upgrade from Xcode4 or Xcode5 DP to the now released Xcode5 GM. Be sure to trash any DP or it won’t work. Update: Step 3 and 8 are no longer required for Titanium Studio to recognize Xcode as being properly installed set up.
Eén van 500.000 Juist de week waarin Apple weer haar nieuwe iPhones en ook de lancering van iOS7 presenteerde bereikte ook Appcelerator een belangrijke mijlpaal. Het bedrijf achter de Titanium software waar ik apps mee ontwikkel, mocht haar 500.000 gebruiker verwelkomen.
Kerk2013 Op 9 november zal ik een workshop geven op Kerk2013 – hét interkerkelijke congres over kerk, social media en internet. Het zal uiteraard gaan over apps en volgens het programma deel ik praktische tips uit voor het opzetten van mobiele apps.
URL schemes for iOS and Android (1/2) Most apps have a website. It could be just a launch page, but also a full web-version of the app, like YouTube. In that case, the app is often the prefered way to view the content. But to share it you’d want to use the web URL so that people without the app can also […]
Inspecting layouts on Android Struggling with a layout issue on Android? The Android Debug Monitor lets you inspect the exact layout of any (not just your apps) screen showing on your device or emulator.
Utilities for Titanium Someone told me programming is all about being lazy. That makes sense, since we’re writing instructions for a computer to do stuff we can’t or.. don’t feel like doing. Anyway, I do like to keep my code DRY and part of this is a growing number of small utility scripts that perform repetitive or error prone tasks. […]
Pull To Refresh for Android Finally! At last I got my Alloy Pull-To-Refresh widget to work on Android, and with that probably also on other OS (BlackBerry, MobileWeb). How something so easy can be so hard..
Gartner: Appcelerator meest visionair Elk jaar brengt het gerenommeerde onderzoeksbureau Gartner een Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms uit. In hun rapportage vergelijken zij de sterke en zwakke punten van verschillende platformen voor de ontwikkeling van apps. Het kwadrant zet de Completeness of vision van elk platform af tegen hun Ability to execute. Ofwel: Hoe compleet is het platform dat ze voor ogen hebben […]
Generate your strings.xml One new feature available in Alloy 1.2 is a command-line option to extract i18n strings from your TSS and JS files and append any missing keys to the default or a specific strings.xml file. If the file doesn’t exist, it will even create it for you.