URL Schemes as Intents There has been growing interest among the Titanium and Titan-community for the endless possibilities of URL schemes in iOS. This blog will try to give an overview, hoping to spark some new ideas.
Styleable Alloy widgets Update Feb 5, 2015: Now ALOY-378 is resolved, it’s better to overwrite widget styles via an Alloy theme. Then app/themes/widgets/my.widget/styles/index.tss will me merged with app/widgets/my.widget/styles/index.tss. With ALOY-378 being postponed every sprint (no offence to hard-working Tony), let’s look at how to best make your Alloy widgets styleable with current techniques. The goal is to allow […]
Why NOT go for fixed price? Fixed price – It sounds good: You know what you’ll get at what cost. But do you really? Before going after a fixed price, please consider the following.
Dutch Mobile Conference 2013 I’m on my way back after delivering my talk on Titanium’s Alloy MVC framework in Amsterdam. The Dutch Mobile Conference started with a Tutorial Day on Thursday, where Jason Kneen and I took 7 people from zero to app in a little over 6 hours. On Friday I got on a train to give an […]
Mobile Down South 2013 This morning I had the honor of speaking at Mobile Down South 2013 in Eindhoven. For an audience of designers, mobile marketeers and developers I gave a 45m introduction on Titanium, Alloy and the Appcelerator (Cloud) Platform. Lots of good questions and interest in getting started made the talk a joy to deliver. You can […]
Titanium update One of the new ingredients we want to introduce to our Amsterdam Titanium meetups is giving a short summary of the Titanium news since the last meetup 2 months ago. Mission impossible, given the tons of updates, widgets, tips, books and all coming out every month.
URL schemes and intents Next week’s Amsterdam Titanium meetup will be about interacting with and between apps. Jason Kneen will talk about using URL schemes (iOS) and intents (Android) to test for the existence of other apps/services and how open them for a specific task. And of course you can have your own app accept incoming URLs and intents […]
Bind existing model One of the great things the Alloy-framework introduced was data-binding. This feature is improving with every release, but still has some issues. One of them was shown in this gist by Timan Rebel the other day. It displays how only new, empty model instances can be created and bound to by the <Model /> element. […]
App (Store) locality Apps are an international business, but plenty of apps are targeted at one country or region only.
VerhaaltjesApp Vandaag is de VerhaaltjesApp gelanceerd. Voor iedereen die graag hun peuter of kleuter een kort verhaaltje wil voorlezen is deze app nu gratis te downloaden voor de iPad. De app bevat een aantal gratis verhaaltjes en kan in bundels van 8 verhaaltjes worden uitgebreid.