Updated: “Pull to refresh” Titanium Alloy widget In preparation of releasing some more widgets; working together in another widget for adding a Twitter tab to your apps, I’ve updated my “Pull to refresh” widget with new API methods to manually show, hide, update and fully trigger the widget. You can use this for example to show the headerPullView upon first load. WANTED: […]
“Pull to refresh” widget for Titanium Alloy Who can live without it? The concept of pulling down a view (mostly a table) to refresh its contents can nowadays be found in almost any app. And now, you can add it to your apps using the new MVC framework Alloy for Appcelerator Titanium in just 4 lines of code: 1234 var ptrCtrl = Alloy.createWidget('nl.fokkezb.pullToRefresh', null, { table: $.myTable, load: myLoadCallback}); Just pull the code from Github! Updated […]
Eerste Europese Titanium conferentie Eind februari zal ik aanwezig zijn bij de eerste Titanium conferentie in Europa. Voor Boydlee Pollentine – organisator, Titan, TCAD en auteur van Appcelerator Titanium Smartphone App Development Cookbook – vertaalde ik de volgende uitnodiging: TiConf 2013 is de eerste Titanium Mobile ontwikkelaarsconferentie die in Europa zal worden gehouden. We hebben een stad – het prachtige Valencia […]
Caching remote images in Titanium Alloy I’ve coded my first widget for Appcelerator Titanium’s new MVC framework Alloy. Yeah! It implements the best practice to cache remote images. My goal was to minimize the changes needed from using a plain ImageView in a view and no controller scripting. Check the before and after below and pull the code from GitHub. Before: […]
At the movies I think about apps that… Let me view and bookmark movie information by pointing at the trailers Offer me discount on the soundtrack by scanning my ticket Let me order drinks for the break to be brought right to my perfect seat Show me other movies I might like and offer discount when I purchase tickets for the same theatre […]