
As you might have heard, I have big plans this summer. I hope to cycle 400km through Rwanda (Africa) and raise €10,000 in funds for Compassion, a children aid charity.

Obviously this means I’m on my bike a lot these days and as a nerd of course I’ve been tracking all my rides using Ride with GPS from the very start.

Building (Sample) Apps

As an Appcelerator Developer Evangelist I help developers to build Native Mobile Apps and APIs in JavaScript. One way I do this is by building and blogging about sample apps.

G.O. Tracker 4 Compassion

So a few weeks ago I wondered how easy it would be to build such a GPS tracker in Titanium. I started coding and this week the firs version of the G.O. Tracker 4 Compassion hit the App Store and Google Play:

Get it on Google Play     

Open Source

I open sourced the app on GitHub and as I continue to develop the app Appcelerator was so good to allow me to publish blog posts on the official Appcelerator Blog to guide developers through the code and share some best practices.

So download the apps, leave a review, contribute ideas or code and keep an eye on the Appcelerator Blog to follow the development of this app and learn how to build your own.

Code Strong, Code with Compassion! ?