
Feb 10th, 2015 | Dhaka, Bangladesh

Next month I’ll be speaking at tiConf in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The event will be held during and as part of the Digital World 2015 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center, a huge 15,000+ conference. tiConf is also expected to be the biggest ever with more than 1000 registrations so far.


I’ll be talking about Alloy. Alloy is the official MVC for Appcelerator Titanium, adding an abstraction layer to it which is easy to use for those familiar with HTML and CSS. I will give a short introduction of the framework and go through some best practices to get the most out of it.


The day before tiConf I hope to assist Alessio Ricco, who will give a one-day bootcamp for 20 students based on the tutorial I wrote last year.