
A European multinational invited me to speak at an internal developer forum last week. As you’d probably see at other companies of this size, different divisions use different tools to achieve the same goals.

A cross-division forum like this is a great way to share knowledge and learn from current and potential partners. Centralising might not even always be the desired outcome.

For me it was a great experience to learn about how our products are being used. I also enjoyed the introduction to Windows 10 Universal Apps Microsoft did at the same event.

Cross-Platform Native Apps with JavaScript

In this particular company, one division already has nine Appcelerator Titanium apps in the stores, while others use HTML apps or develop in Xcode and JAVA either in-house or through partners. I talked about four Why‘s flowing out of the title of my presentation:

  • Why Cross-Platform? Because fragmentation is a fact.
  • Why Native? Because UX demands it.
  • Why JavaScript? Because it’s everywhere.
  • Why Titanium? Because we lead.

I also explained how Alloy enables companies to share and re-use more code and why apps alone won’t cut it. You need APIs and Analytics as well; The Appcelerator Platform.

My slides can be found on Speaker Deck: