
I love Things and I start loving Wunderlist even more, despite it being unstable since version 2. But when it comes to a more complex set of tasks,  I need task dependencies and subtasks to stay organized and now what .. to do .. right .. now!

Gantt & Gantter
For this reason I started using Gantter, a beautiful – and free – web based software for creating Gantt Charts. If you don’t know Gantt Charts; it’s allows you to create a hierarchic tree of tasks that can also cross link each other to form all sorts of dependencies. All this is then displayed in a graph to give you insight in the critical paths.

Getting rid of the time factor
There’s much more into Gantt Charts, mainly focussed on planning resources in time. This is great for planning actual projects involving deadlines and working in teams. But if you use Gannt mainly for deciding what task can and must be done next, it may be a little too much.

For this, I’ve created the Ganttoday extension. It shows all tasks in your project that:

  • Have not been completed 100%.
  • Have no predecessors that have not started (SS) or completed (FS).
  • Have no constraint date (SNET or MSO) that prevents it from starting.

It’s meant to be used on Gantt charts where you don’t really care about task duration, but mainly use the dependencies and constraints on tasks to determine what’s next.

How to install?
Just click the button to add it to your Gantt project. It will add the extension to the Extension menu. By selecting the extension from the same menu, your Gantt chart will be posted to the plug-in as XML. It will then process it and filter out the right tasks.


If this fails, you can also use Gantter’s menu to install the extension manually. Just enter as the URL.

Source code
Feel free to fork the code at

  1. Link apparently does not work, also option in Gantter shows url not available or does not exist.

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