
gitTio: Search & Install Titanium components

Over Christmas I worked on a community project I hardly couldn’t wait to unveil. Last week it was finally ready!

Search Engine

Meet gitTio, a search engine that indexes – all – Titanium modules and Alloy widgets in public repositories on GitHub. Search through their manifest and widget.json properties like description and supported platforms, as well as the contents of the README and all MD’s documenting the component.

Package Manager

With the help of David Bankier giTio also has a package manager. Just run gittio install -g in your project and it will install all missing modules and widgets required by your tiapp.xml and app/config.json files. Of course there is much more you can do, like installing or uninstalling a specific component, version or even for a specific platform, updating installed components etc. The CLI page on the gitTio website tells you all about it.

To get the gitTio CLI use NPM:


I recorded a simple screencast showing how the gitTio CLI works:


As an extra service, you can follow @gitNotified on Twitter to get notified about new and updated components. You might have already seen some tweets coming from this account with some nice stats, like this.


And if you like stats, you can find more real-time ones like these the gitTio stat(u)s page.